
Discover the starsnight or daywith Sky Guide, the new app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. A window to the stars has never been more beautiful and easy to use. Sky Guide lets you experience the wonders of the night in ways you’ve only dreamed of.

/Nick Risinger


The 玲珑加速器换节点 is now featured at the Museum of Flight's new Space Gallery in Seattle, Washington. Visitors to the exhibit can experience the world's largest Milky Way panorama, stretched 120 feet alongside NASA's Space Shuttle Trainer. 

/Nick Risinger


Following my appearance on an episode of BBC Horizon, I was invited to speak at the European AstroFest in London. I had the pleasure of sharing with 700+ attendees the story behind the Photopic Sky Survey and also included a sneak preview of the sky in hydrogen alpha light.

/Nick Risinger


In 2010 I changed careers. Or, rather, I replaced one with a pursuit of passion: capturing the heavens like never before. It was a photographic expedition of 60,000 miles and over 37,000 exposures collected from opposing ends of the Earth. The final mosaic photograph encompassed the entire sphere of celestial darkness, though in that darkness, I found light...

© 2014 Nick Risinger, 2nhe1r.wcbzw.com


/Nick Risinger